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SCU1 2016-2017


European Day of Languages

Our visit from our local fire brigade.

We all had a turn with the hose. It was so powerful that the fireman had to hold the hose while we pulled back the lever. We had great fun!

We were learning to order numbers smallest to largest.

We used oil pastels to create pictures of The Great Fire of London. We remembered to include things like St Paul's Cathedral, Pudding Lane and the River Thames.

Using Thinking Maps during Shared Reading.

Harvest Assembly 2016

SCU1 Super Heroes

Everyone had great fun dressing up as their favourite super hero and dancing around the hall with Fitness Freddy. Fitness Freddy thought we were Amazing! Cool! Brilliant! Fantastic!

Patterns in Number

Finding and Recognising 2D and 3D Shapes

Procedural Writing - How to Make a Bird Feeder

After watching a video clip on the Media Library we were able to write the instructions and then made our own bird feeders. When they have hardened we will hang the feeders in our school grounds.

Investigating 2D and 3D Shapes

We were investigating 2D and 3D shapes. The Year 2 pupils were investigating which 3D shapes roll/don't roll. The Year 3 pupils were investigating the number of edges, corners, whether the shapes rolled or stacked and what they discovered. Year 1 were identifying rectangles and circles and sorted them into the table.

We had great fun during our 3D shape party. We looked at all our party food to see which 3D shapes we had, gave Spencer Bear his birthday cards, ate our food and even danced! We are great movers!

We have been learning about procedural writing. During shared reading we were learning to find the bossy verbs. We learned that these are the verbs which tell us what to do.

We all took part in our Nativity - "Mary's Knitting." Some of us were actors and some were narrators, we were very proud of ourselves! 

Looking at Measures. Y1&Y2 pupils

Using non-standard units of measure. Y3 pupils

Recognising coins and their values and matching the amounts using dominoes.

Finding out about famous people from Northern Ireland.

We were learning how to use Google Maps. We were trying to find places on the map where famous people in Northern Ireland come from.

Using apps on the iPads.

Congratulations Caolan!

We were learning about the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. We used a double bubble to compare.

We were learning to make o'clock, half past and quarter past times.

Y2 were working hard to make the story of 10. Y3 were working hard to use mental maths strategies to add 9 to a 2 digit number.

We were learning how to use a metre stick.

We worked with a partner to make a metre long fish.

We used non-standard units of measure to measure furniture in our classroom.

We can log on to the computers and access Newsdesk.

Working on Measures.

We used the My Story app on the iPads to create books about famous people from N.I

We used a Circle Map to record our facts about famous people from N.I

We had a go at problem solving. We had to work out how many combinations we could make of towers 2 high using just 2 colours.

Measuring with non-standard and standard units of measure.

WAU - Making invisible ink.

Writing our secret messages using invisible ink.

Literacy - learning about verbs.

WAU - Using magnifying glasses to look at objects and plants.

Music - Exploring sound through movement.

Music - Exploring sound using junk materials.

Money Week - investigating how many 1p, 2p or 5p coins to make a metre.

Using coins to make pictures and counting to record the total amount.

Music - using the Toc and Roll app on the iPads to compose a piece of music.

Money Week - our visit to the ice - cream van.

Money Week Activities - how many ways to make different amounts and using a bridge map and money stamps to make the same amount in different ways.

World Book Day Activities

WAU - Role Play

Problem Solving - Logic & Reasoning

Shared Reading - Identifying features of non-fiction texts.

Working on high frequency words using the word cubes.

Health Promotion Week Activities


Making and testing our models of The Santa Maria.

Sowing our Sow and Grow runner beans.

Using a Carroll Diagram to sort odd and even numbers.

Looking for solitary bees in our school ground as part of the Polli:Nation project.

We enjoyed having the mums and dads in school during our Thinking Digitally Day.
