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Place Value

We have been doing lots of practical maths activities this term to help us recognise the value of each digit in a 3 digit number. 

2D Shape

We have been learning about different 2D shapes and their properties. We have loved sorting our shapes by their properties using a categorising frame.

Interactive Games

We love to play games on the interactive whiteboard. There is an ongoing challenge in our class to see who can score the highest number of correct answers in Hit the Button within the time limit. This has really helped us with the rapid recall of our Maths facts!


We have been using the program Just 2 Easy to help us create pictograms and then we answered questions about our graphs. 


We have also created pictograms outside during Maths week to show the different colours of the Autumn leaves.



We have been learning about weight and recognising the difference between g and kg. We know that their our 1000g in 1kg. We looked at lots of different items from Mrs Robinson's shopping and found their weight from the packaging. We then ordered them from heaviest to lightest.
