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Report writing

09.11.23 LI - Familiarisation of procedural writing


Today in class we started to think about our new writing genre. Mrs Campbell gave us clues to help us think about what genre we are going to be focusing on this half term. First of all, we played Simon Says. We had to listen to the instructions very carefully, but Year 5 were too good and Mrs Campbell couldn't catch us out! Next, Mrs Campbell drew a mystery picture and hid it from us. She gave us instructions that we had to follow to try and draw the same picture. Mrs Campbell drew some other pictures for some of the children to try and give instructions to help the others draw too. We found that our pictures all looked very different to each other's and didn't match Mrs Campbell's because the instructions were not clear enough. Finally, Mrs Campbell shared a set of instructions that we had to follow to make origami ice cream cones. These were much clearer and detailed, so they were easier to follow. After taking part in all the activities, we decided that our focus must be on writing instructions!

13.11.23 LI: To identify features of procedural writing

In today’s literacy lesson we looked at different examples of procedural writing. We worked in groups to identify the different features of procedural writing and label them on our examples.
