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How pupils use TSPC

In Cumran pupils use Thinking skills by:


- Having opportunities to enrich their experiences

- Having a desire to learn independently and with others

- Taking responsibility for and ownership of their own learning

- Learning in a variety of ways and styles

- Learning in a highly structured and purposeful environment


- Experiencing the celebration of their learning, thinking and achievement

Strategies to use and develop TSPC


- To use group roles to complete collaborative activities in class, which change as children progress through the different key stages.

- Pupils will work in mixed skilled groups to enable them to use TSPC most effectively in different lessons.

- Use of ‘How will I best think and learn today board

- Thinking time board

- Washing line of TSPC words

- Stuck board

- Use of Think-pair-share

- Use of sevens strategies


- Setting open-ended challenges

- Making thinking important

- Effective Questioning

- Making thinking explicit

- Enabling collaborative learning

- Promoting independent learning

- Making connections
