People Who Help Us
Visit from the PSNI
Karen and Stevie came in to school to tell us all about their job and how we can contact them if we need help or feel scared.
We got to try on their hat and vest, we couldn’t believe how heavy the vest was!
Outside they showed us how to put on the flashing lights and siren.
Conker Run !
Art through Nature
Year 2 went on a school trip to Castlewellan Forest Park. We had a super day full of fun. After a quick snack we headed to the play park and then had a scavenger hunt in front of the castle. After lunch we participated in a workshop where we made bracelets out of Autumn leaves, an Autumn picture using leaves, cones and sticks and printed leaf pictures by hammering the sap from the leaves on to cotton. On the short journey back to school some of us even had a nap!