Report Writing
We are exploring the writing features of ‘Report Writing’. We worked collaboratively to identify structure and writing features. We used the carousel strategy to shared our findings, enabling us to identify the writing features. We will use this information to help use write our own reports.
Report Writing
After a shared reading of the text, the class identified the features which were used. We will be transferring this knowledge into our own independent report writing.
We were learning how to skim and scan a text to make notes. Mrs Smyth taught us how to skim and scan a text and how to transfer these skills into other tasks. We used a categorising frame to complete a KWL grid to record information using keywords and phrases.
After being taught these skills, we read a text about Irish landlords and recorded the information on the KWL grid. We were able to transfer these skills when we were researching immigration in the 19th and 21st century, where we able to record keywords and phrases and use this information to write a comparative report.
‘Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar’
SPaG are an integral part of our weekly lessons enabling us to write at a higher level. We investigate spelling rules, suffixes, homophones, contracted words etc. After we investigate SPaG, we aim to transfer our knowledge into all writing.
We used a connecting frame to explore plurals and recorded the spelling rules in the reflective lens enabling us to transfer these into our writing.
‘Star Books Reviews’
Year 7 having been learning how to write a book review. Mrs Smyth modelled how to plan the book review using a sequencing frame. We planned our own review based on a book which we recently read. Then Mrs Smyth modelled how to use the frame to write the book review. We were all really excited to complete this task and it was great how there were a wide variety of books being reviewed. We hope you enjoy reading some of our book reviews which are on display outside our class. You may even find your next great book to read! Happy reading everyone!