We helped to raise some money for Children in Need. Everyone wore their own clothes to school - some people wore odd socks and some even wore odd shoes! We had a fantastic day in school raising money for this great charity.
Year 1 had a great time dancing and raising money with Fitness Freddy! Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children and to all those who joined in with the fun! All money raised will be going to buy more iPads for the children to use in school.
Year 1 had a special visitor from Cancer Focus N.I. They enjoyed listening to a story about Genevieve the Goat and how she kept healthy. Year 1 did a great job helping to sort different foods into the groups of 'lots', 'some' and 'little' and how often you should eat them. They loved meeting Genevieve the Goat too!
Year 1 dressed up as scarecrows and did a great job singing The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow as part of our Harvest assembly.
Year 1 loved seeing and touching the animals brought in to school by Zoolab. They enjoyed learning about the different habitats that the animals live in.
Article 29 of the UNCRC (goals of education) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
The Year 1 children enjoyed all things Scottish when they celebrated European Day of Languages. The children dressed up, made oatmeal biscuits, danced, sang and watched The Gruffalo in Scots.
Article 30 of the UNCRC
'Every child has the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language.'
Year 1 parents joined the children for a school meal on 23rd September. The 'Come Dine With Me' experience was enjoyed by all and was a great success!
Year 1 love outdoor play - whatever the weather!
Year 1 families joined the Year 1 pupils for a special school dinner on Tuesday 7th October. This was a great success with many parents commenting on the standard of the food provided.
Year 1 had an exciting day creating a clay model of their toy. The children started off by sketching a picture of their toy.
The children then worked with the clay to make their model. They were able to use techniques such as scratch and stick and pinching the clay.
The Year 1 are very proud of their work!
Year 1 have been learning all about money. They were looking at the coins we use and they enjoyed playing the Money Man game.
Year 1 listened to a story about Smartie the Penguin. We had to help Smartie make the right choices when using the computer.
Everyone wore red to school. We were helping to raise money for The British Heart Foundation.
Article 3 (Best interests of the child): The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them.
In Year 1 we have created a class charter with the rights that we feel are important for us.
The right to learn (Article 28)
The right to play (Article 31)
The right to be safe (Article 19)
As a class we discussed the rights and decided how both children and adults could fulfill these rights.