Our Vision: "Learning together in a changing world."
Our Motto: "Look Up and Aim High."
The Italian Artist Michelangelo said,
"The greatest danger for most of us, is not that we aim too high and miss it, but that we aim too low and reach it."
As a community of learners we aim to provide an environment where:
1. Each child is developing his/her full potential intellectually, creatively, physically, emotionally, socially, morally and spiritually in a secure, happy and caring atmosphere.
2. Each person is valued, respected and encouraged to value and respect all others.
3. We empower pupils to develop their role as a contributor to the economy and the environment, both within our school and the wider community.
4. We lay the foundations of life skills that the children will build upon as they mature and develop.
In developing our school as a rights respecting school, we aim to provide an ethos that has the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of the school. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is based on four general principles: non-discrimination, best interests of the child, survival and development and participation. These principles are the foundation on which we build our rights respecting ethos.
In promoting good behaviour there are certain values we believe should be developed in our pupils.
1. Respect - we take pride in our school and look after everyone and everything in it.
2. Punctuality/Being ready to learn - we come to school on time, prepared and ready to learn and we take pride in our work.
3. Restraint - we behave in a way that keeps ourselves and others safe.