Our trip to Dundrum Castle
Digital Thinking in Year 2
Taking Magical Movie Making to a whole new level!
We used the app Puppet Pals 2 to create a movie linked to our topic of Castles. We planned our story and used our GREEN hat thinking to create a movie, adding in characters, putting on voices and recording.
Year 2 ICT
Dress a knight for battle!
Year 2 worked in groups to weigh lots of different objects around our classroom.
On the Farm
Investigating our new topic!
Winter Play in Year 2
Autumn Art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy
Cumran Primary School’s Superhero Challenge!
Year 2 really enjoyed dressing up as their favourite superheroes and dancing with Fitness Freddy!!
Year 2 are Awesome, Cool, Brilliant and Fantastic at being Superheroes!
Our visit from the Northern Ireland
Fire and Rescue service
Outdoor Play
“It is a happy talent to know how to play.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Year 2 looked at the country of Sweden for European Day of Languages. We made fantastic Swedish hats and created a fact book about Sweden!
Article 30 of the UNCRC
'Every child has the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language.'
Our topic for Term 1.1 is People Who Help Us.
This week in play we have been taking on roles, making police badges, 2D and 3D fire engines and painting People Who Help Us.
Have a look at all of our learning below!
Number ideas are very abstract, and children need to have these presented to them in a wide variety of ways. Numicon offers multi-sensory activities with patterned shapes, rods, number lines, and a broad range of everyday experiences.
Year 2 have been playing lots of games with Numicon this week including Numicon bingo!