In Year 3 we have chosen the rights that we think are most important in our class. We know how we will and adults will ensure we have these rights.
UNCRC Article 3: The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.
On Tuesday 2nd June we had our Sports Day! We took part in 5 events: The Welly Throw, The sack race, The Running Race, The Egg and Spoon Race and a team game. Everyone took part with great competitiveness and lots of medals were won!
Our topic for Term 3 is Wild Animals and to help us learn more we went on a trip to the zoo. We learnt lots of new and interesting facts about the different animals. We were able to see the tiger, lions, penguins, lions and sun bear! We had great fun watching the chimpanzees playing together!
We had a visit from the ice cream van and Mr Rogan spoke to us about the importance of being safe and taking care when getting an ice cream and around the van. We know to never stand behind the van because the driver can't see us and to look and listen as we carefully cross the road to get the van. Then we got to enjoy some yummy ice cream!
We had great fun during Healthy week and participated in lots of exciting activities. We played football outside, we had a talk from the optician, we had to guess what different foods were using all of our senses, and we took part in the Rainbow Bounce to raise money for Autism NI.
UNCRC Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health
On Tuesday 24th March it was Come and See Us Think Day in school. Our Mums and Dads came into to school to join in some of our activities! We used super Green Hat Thinking to complete our challenge of designing and building a catapult for Christopher Columbus to fight back against the pirates.
UNCRC Article 29: Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full
We have been learning how to measure the capacity of different containers. At first we used cups of water, sand and rice to find their capactity. Then we started to measure to see if they were more or less than 1 litre.
World Book Day was on Thursday 5th March 2015. We had lots of fun celebrating! We made puppets, dressed up, wrote our own stories and made them into a book using the book creator app on the iPad.
We learnt about the UK coins, finding totals of amounts, and getting change during financial capability week.
We have great fun learning our signt words and phonics in lots of different ways. We play fun games and activities to help us learn.
UNCRC Article 31: Every child has the right to play and take part in a wide range of artistic activities.
We had great fun working out with Fitness Freddy and raising money for the Helping Hands charity.
UNCRC Article 23: A child with a disability has the right to a full and decent life, and to play an active part in the community.
Our topic for term 1.2 has been celebrations. We have looked at lots of things that people celebrate all over the world. We have learnt about things we celebrate, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Bonfire Night, Festivals of light such as Diwali and Hannukah, Eid, and Christmas Around the World.
We have been very cretaive using our Green Thinking Hat and maderangoli patterns, diva lamps, menorah candles and turkey biscuits.
UNCRC Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family.
Year 3 have been learning about 3D shapes and on Wednesday 3rd October they had a 3D shape party. The children brought in lots of different shaped foods to share with their friends. They had lots of fun describing the shapes using the new words they have learnt such as edges, faces and vertices to each other! The food tasted good too!!
Our first topic this year has been Fire. We have loved learning about the Great Fire of London.
We have been working hard in the bakery on Pudding Lane, ordering the events that happened, creating fire pictures and hot and cold collages. We have also been busy building the city of London and the boats which people escaped on.
We have been using the iPads to find out facts about the Great Fire and London and have played the Great Fire of London game.
For European Language Day we learnt about Poland. We tried yummy food and learnt lots about Poland from one of our mums.
UNCRC Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family