This half term we have been learning all about World War 2. We have been learning all about how the war started, the jobs people did during the war, ratitioning and all about the evacuees. We have loved this topic and have been able to ask family members questions about it. We even got to see a real gas mask from world war 2. We also had a classroom visit from a lady from Sustrans who told us all about bicycles during WW2.
E books
We have been busy making books about how to stay safe, have a look at our books to learn some tips about staying safe!
Staying Safe and Sound
Our WAU topic in term 1.1 was staying safe and sound. We have been learning about lots of different ways to stay safe. When we completed our walk to school we all wore reflective yellow jackets so we could be seen easily.
The largest lesson
Year 4 took part in the largest lesson, we were learning all about water and water pollution. We completed lots of practical activities about water. Have a look at us ranking cards to show what we think causes the worst to the least amount of pollution.