This half term Year 4 are learning all about the Second World War. We have been learning all about the countries involved in the war, how people stayed safe during the war and food rationing. We went on a trip to Downpatrick Museum to learn more about WW2. We were able to touch lots of artefacts and play with some of the toys which were made from recycled materials during the war and we even dressed up as evacuees.
What is the best material for making a helmet?
Year 4 have been learning all about staying safe. They carried out an investigation to find out what the best materials are to make a helmet from. The class was divided into four teams and each team set about to create the best helmet they could to protect an egg from a bad fall. Year 4 had a great time making and testing the helmets and we all learnt how important it is to make sure we always wear a helmet when we are out on our bikes.