Some of our amazing stories on display!
Story writing step 5: Working hard writing our stories!
Story writing step 4: Story maps all planned and ready to start writing! Here are the story writers telling their partners their stories. We have ‘Ronaldo see, Ronaldo do’, ‘Sonic the hedgehog see, Sonic the hedgehog do’ and lots of other stories!
Story writing step 3: P3 have been working hard planning their own version of ‘Monkey See - Monkey do!’ by editing the characters, actions and setting in our original class story map. We will soon be writing our own unique stories out using interesting adjectives and powerful sentence openers. Watch this space for amazing stories including ‘Ronaldo see, Ronaldo do!’, ‘Sonic the hedgehog see, Sonic the hedgehog do’ and ‘Unicorn see, unicorn do’!
Story writing step 2: We boxed up 'Monkey see, Monkey do' to show each part of the story. This helps us understand the pattern of story telling.
Story writing step 1: Watch Year 3 retell ‘Monkey see, monkey do!’ We learnt this by creating a class story map. It’s important to be able to tell stories well and understand the pattern of stories before you try to write one.