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Wanted Posters

We have been working hard in Year 2 on our independent writing. Our focus has been on using a capital letter at the start of a sentence, for peoples names and for the word I. We are trying to leave a finger space between words and to use our knowledge of sounds to word build.

Linked to our WAU topic of People Who Help Us we have been learning how to write Wanted Posters. Mrs Liddle modelled how to write a Wanted Poster for the Big Bad Wolf in the story of The Three Little Pigs. When our class Pebble Pot disappeared we decided to write Wanted Posters to see if we could find it! Luckily the Pebble Pot turned up in the Year 4 classroom. 



Time To Shine

Time to was a big success in Year 2. Everyone spent time preparing their collection of items that told others a little bit more about themselves. The pupils spoke clearly, loudly and with confidence. We were so proud of them all as it isn’t easy speaking in front of others. 
