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School Council 2024/25


We organised and ran a 'Bric a Brac' Sale in school. Pupils brought in toys and books which were then sold to other pupils. We raised a fantastic total of £450 which will be used to buy resources for our school. Thank you to everyone who supported the sale by donating or buying toys.

The School Council organised a Santa Run for the whole school which everyone really enjoyed. We lined the course to make sure everyone stayed on the right track. We raised £410 for Daisy Lodge Cancer Centre!


School council elections and campaigns took place throughout September. Pupils in Year 4 to Year 7 voted for the candidates they thought would be best after listening carefully to their manifestoes.


Our school council representatives from each year group are:

Y4 - Olivia and Jack N

Y5- Harry, Sophia, Mia and Tom

Y6- Emily and Lily

Y7- George and Emily

